More Than Fatigue: Lesser-Known Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia is somewhat of a mystery, with no known cause or cure. Living with it is certainly taxing, not only because of the symptoms you may be experiencing, but also because of the frustration that comes with not fully being able to understand it.
What we do know is that fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized primarily by:
- Widespread musculoskeletal pain
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Mental fog
Other symptoms such as migraines, sensitivity to touch, and mood disorders are also commonly associated with fibromyalgia.
Still, there are some other symptoms that you may not know about. In this post, we at Houston Pain Specialists discuss some lesser known symptoms of fibromyalgia.
Numbness and tingling
People with fibromyalgia may experience numbness and/or tingling in their arms, hands, legs, feet, and sometimes face. These sensations are often associated with other conditions, such as carpal tunnel syndrome or multiple sclerosis, but may also be present in fibromyalgia.
This can add to the frustration and confusion you may feel when going through several tests, just to find that the results are normal.
Restless legs syndrome
You may have heard of restless legs syndrome before, but might not have associated it with fibromyalgia. Restless legs syndrome causes a strong urge to move your legs. Sitting or lying down feels uncomfortable, but moving your legs only helps for so long.
Interstitial cystitis
Another chronic condition, interstitial cystitis, causes bladder pain and pressure and is sometimes also accompanied by pelvic pain. Frequent and urgent need to urinate is commonly associated with interstitial cystitis and can cause bladder discomfort when full.
Paraspinal lumbar tenderness
More commonly known as back pain, paraspinal lumbar tenderness can also be associated with fibromyalgia. This doesn’t come as a surprise, as fibromyalgia greatly affects muscles, and the human back has many.
This kind of pain occurs more commonly in the upper or lower back and may radiate down to the buttocks and legs. Since you use your back, buttocks, and legs often for movement and support, this pain may be amplified.
You can see that fibromyalgia symptoms can be similar to many other conditions. It’s important that you work with a trusted, experienced physician to get the proper diagnosis and treatment.
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms and are concerned that you may have fibromyalgia, please give us a call or contact us through our website. Hui Kang, MD, and our team at Houston Pain Specialists are here for you every step of the way.
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